Equine Therapy of NJ

Offers a unique opportunity for you to connect with our horses in a therapeutic setting. From trauma to team building, we are focused on rebuilding your well-being through equine therapy and horsemanship. An equine specialist along with your therapist works with you during each session to provide a healing, educational experience suitable for children, teens and adults.

The model program we use is EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association).

The EAGALA Model provides an innovative solution that provides a unique space for an emotionally safe, hands-on experience for clients. With real-time feedback, clients are able to reach issues where traditional talk-based therapies leave off.

The services offered through Equine Therapy of NJ are:


Mental Health & Trauma


Veterans & First Responders


Autism & Special Needs


Substance Use Recovery


Civic Group Education


Professional Team Building

Equine Therapy of  NJ

Horses offer unique traits that have come to make them a top choice for animal-assisted therapies. Horses bring the following unique elements to the therapy process.